If you just moved to a major city, or have been struggling to sleep due to noise pollution recently, you’re not alone. Up to 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep issues, and a huge part of that is both the conditions of your bedroom and your nighttime routine.
Sleeping is critical for your overall health, and it affects everything from your physical fitness, to your relationship with your family, to your performance at work.
It can seem difficult to know where to get started when you’re trying to sleep better, but we wanted to break down the basics that everyone needs to get a good night’s rest. It doesn’t have to break the bank, and before you try more expensive medical options, it’s smart to ensure your room is well situated to promote deep, restful sleep.
Here are the basics.
NiceTown Blackout Curtains:

The NiceTown Blackout Curtains are step one to building a peaceful bedroom designed for optimal sleep. For those living in a big city especially, light pollution can be brutal for getting a full night’s rest. Even if you keep a normal sleep schedule, street lights and bright signs can creep into your bedroom and block your body from fully shutting down and relaxing after a long day.
Not to mention those of us who may work the night shift, or just work a bit later and need to wake up later to balance it out. Keeping excess light out of your bedroom is crucial and the NiceTown Blackout Curtains are by far the best bang for your buck.
We looked at several blackout curtain options that retailed for hundreds of dollars, and frankly, all of them seemed unnecessary.
The NiceTown curtains are just $37, and they include free Amazon Prime shipping for Prime members. They seal the light off perfectly, and they have an 84-inch drop to work with any window setting.
The curtains also have thermal insulation for temperature control, and they come in dozens of color options.
If you’re looking to get a longer, deeper sleep, the NiceTown Blackout Curtains are the perfect place to start.
Snooz White Noise Machine:

The Snooz White Noise Machine is our second key for a sleep-focused bedroom. Keeping out noise pollution and generally giving your brain some comfort and space to rest is critical, especially for anyone with a stressful job.
The Snooz White Noise Machine provides peaceful, non-looping white noise from a real fan (without the cold air). The machine can be adjusted to your individual liking, and it is powerful enough to drown out significant city noise if needed. It also has quieter settings to it can be optimized for your specific situation.
There are tons of cool features included like an optional companion app, a night light, and 10 customizable settings to ensure you get exactly what you’re looking for.
It retails on Amazon for $100 and includes free shipping for Prime members.
If you struggle with loud noises or getting to bed in a busy area, The Snooz White Noise Machine is an absolute must-have.
Traditional Medicinals Relaxation & Sleep Tea:

The Traditional Medicinal’s Relaxation and Sleep Tea is our third and final key to getting into a good nighttime routine that promotes healthy, restful sleep.
Some people struggle to sleep and end up turning to serious medication. Sometimes they even use unsafe long term practices like drugs and alcohol. Traditional Medicinals provides a healthy alternative with delicious flavors. Their teas are designed to help relax your body at night and promote solid nightly rituals. They will help you wind down and prep your body for a deep sleep. A six-box package from Amazon is just $33 and it includes free shipping for Prime members.
If you’re looking to complete your nightly routine with something that will help your brain and body relax, Traditional Medicinal’s teas are healthy and delicious.